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Business and Commercial Document Imaging Solutions


Image-X Inc.

IMAGEmate is a unique imaging system for scanning, indexing, storage, andretrieval of images. IMAGEmate comes network-ready for connection to anymini computer or mainframe. The database application works with any ofthe popular database packages such as ORACLE or INGRESS. The scannedimage is compressed and stored on an optical or Winchester disk drive.The images can be retrieved along the network by searching the databasethrough a terminal window opened on the IMAGEmate, using the full powerof a mini computer or a mainframe. The retrieved images can be displayed,printed, or sent out by FAX.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0

Image-X Inc.
5765 Thornwood Dr
Santa Barbara, CA 93117
Phone: (805) 964-3535
Fax: (805) 683-8525